
The Clever Woman part 2

We discussed the book, 'The Clever Woman'.  A man who want to be relaxed at home  was main character, and he tried to make his house quiet with the idea of 'the clever woman'. 

The idea was a little funny. He went to her three times.  As a result, though his house didn't  get quiet, he was able to be relaxed. It is because for the idea, he have to some animals into the house and spend in noisier situation, he no longer care about the annoyance of his family.   


     Here is a review of each person reading this story and having Literature Circle. 


     "The end of this story, a man looks like happy because he can read the book  in the quiet enviroment. However, it is not true. He got used the noisier situation, and he is mieunderstanding like that 'this house is quiet.' I think we can't say the problem of annoying inside the house is solved. It is doubtfull that the 'clever woman' is trying to solve the problem in the true sense.  I think there is still debate for this story. 

      I was a discussion reader in Literature Circle. I feel anxiety because i didn't know I could save the time limit. But I think we had good discussion for efforts of each person." 



This story was so fun because the main character, Mr Murphy was munipulated by what the clever woman said and he assumed his house made quiet.  When she told him to bring many animals into his house, I thought there was something wrong. However, he didn't think so at all! You could imgine how pure and  kind person he is. His house isn't quiet in a real meaning, but it's good for him to felt relaxed.  

In literature Circle, I played a role of summerizer. I had thought the shorter the summary, the better for a long time but I had to expand my summarize because other group members didn't know our book's story. That was a little bit tough so I want to improve it next time. (Akane) 




      "I think this story contain humor, so I was enjoy reading this story. The most interesting story is the clever woman's advice. Her advice is entering two chicken and goose and cow into the house.  

The main character oh this story is Mr Murphy, he is a husband in family. He has 6 menbers of family. He loves his family, but he worried about noisy of family. He hope the house will becom silent. However, If he follow the clever woman's advice, his house may become more noisy. Unfortunately, he follow her advice. I think Mr Murphy is pure, and a little fool!  

At first, I can't understand why she said clever woman. She just joles and enjoys. Finally, She said that "you should leave these animais to original space", so his house become silent! He is glad at this situation. However, nothing has changed in his room, only the way he perceives the annoyance of his sound. This story is short and composed easily words, so it's comfortable to read. Please try it!" (haruna) 


"I can't relax..." 

     First of all, I questioned the ending of this book. That is because the underlying problem has not been solved. 
      He is annoyed his families because of the noise from them. His only wish is that to relax at home! But he cannot do so. Of course, he loves his families so he never scolded them. He asks a clever woman to give some advice. 

But I wondered is the advice really good? That is because her suggestion made his house extra loud. Didn’t other families feel uncomfortable? Wasn’t the noise in the neighbors annoying? Noises causes various stresses and damages health. 

Noises irritate us. That stress makes us sleepless and damaged blood vessels. It causes our bodies to lose blood and make our heart oxygen deficient. At worst, it can lead to ischemic heart disease and even death. 

Is it okay for him and his family to carry out her suggestion despite these risks? But it might have been nice because he was finally able to relax. (Takako) 

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